Visit An Island Few Have Heard Of!
Bequia as an example… but there are more!
One of the greatest things about having a child under the age of two is the ability to add them as a “lap child” on an airplane. That opens up travel opportunities, where I have flown with a lap child nonstop to Honolulu, Spain, as well as bouncing around the Caribbean on both commercial airlines and smaller charter flights with a kiddo under the age of two. Having exchanged vows with my husband barefoot on the beach, we appreciate the feel of the sand between our toes and some natural shade. The beach is a great vacation to take little ones on as well to enjoy nature and relaxation in an effort to maximize experiences when planning family vacations and cruises. Families can choose to do as much, or as much of nothing as they choose when on a cruise! Stay onboard, go ashore, or a mixture of both! Those flights can take you to some amazing cruise itineraries where you just unpack once but wake up at many gorgeous locations you may have never visited otherwise!!
Pack Light
With luggage and airplanes, as well as smaller sizes of cruise ship staterooms, it is imperative to pack light. Rolling clothes and packing cubes are quite handy, as well as that backpack that can fit underneath the seat in front of you when flying to a cruise!

Get Acclimated
After arriving at your chosen place of lodging, it’s a great feeling to drop off the luggage, grab a book you never have

time to read at home, and head over to the beach. If it’s your child’s naptime, no fear! Make yourself comfy, snuggle with your little one in the shade, and delve into that novel! There’s nothing like that fresh ocean breeze, your toes in the sand, and your mini-me snoozing soundly. Many cruise docks are within an easy walk to the local beaches and have amenities we have back at home to make it an easy transition for little ones. An evening swim may even introduce you to some cordial locals or expats, willing to toss a mango over to share. Forget about what they say about not taking food from strangers… you get to know others quite well when traveling.

Grab Some Food
When ready to go grab dinner, a quick change of clothes and stroll along the Belmont Walkway if in Bequia, and visit a local establishment. Whether it’s in a food truck or a building, or even a local market, there is something to appease any appetite, including our littlest travelers! The great views of local boats coming back in from the day provide entertainment as well as watching birds and other creatures hanging out in the area. Sometimes, you may even catch a glimpse of the mailboat heading in!
Watch the Sunset
After dinner, it’s nice to grab a picnic table or another spot on the beach at just the right time to admire the sunset if your cruise has a late time in port.

Remembering to take it slow, go with the flow, and breathe in life is imperative… something we do not do enough back home with the craziness of work schedules and other commitments. Making the most out of a vacation does not necessarily mean “cramming it all in”, but more importantly, choosing to NOT cram it all in. Follow your child’s lead and take that nap, stay out late to catch the sunset, visit with a random stranger, and take time to soak in every moment!
Take an Excursion - A Daysail
For those wanting to enjoy exploring off the island of Bequia, a daysail on the Friendship Rose is an excellent recommendation. Once again, using your child’s lead, nap time is no problem onboard. Taking the time to relax and relish in the moment is imperative!

Wear That Baby!
When heading around the island, a sling or wrap is excellent to help a little one. Once again, they can nap when they please as we mommas get to explore the island! A simple sling can be rolled up and thrown in a

backpack or carryon easily, as well as washed when needed. It also helps to have your hands free as you stroll from place to place when traveling. Toddlers get tired, which we know can lead to fussiness, but with a little planning ahead we can be ready for when that moment happens.
Learn Something
Finally, look for those educational opportunities to learn anywhere you go. Even at a young age, our children are inquisitive and want to absorb everything in the world around them – even

under the age of two! Something as simple as visiting the local turtle sanctuary not only opens up their eyes, but our’s as well as parents in how we can be better proponents of conservation. Maximizing a land vacation with multiple flights for a family with a child under the age of two is most definitely attainable (and recommended!). There is absolutely no need to “wait until they are older” – take advantage of your travel opportunities now cruises can take you and your loved ones to! When someone says your child is too young to travel or cruise, unless it is against guidelines (yes, cruise lines have their own minimum ages which vary by itinerary / cruise line), just remember you CAN travel with little ones as you see me doing here! Just pack that reef-safe pediatric sunscreen, rash guards, hat, and a sense of adventure!!